Start Breaking Bad Habits Today.

It takes 21 days on average to break a bad habit. Others have have changed their life here. Start becoming the new you today.


1. Define your bad habit challenge

Create a challenge by describing the bad habit you are going to break.


2. Commit with a deadline & reward

Set the finish-before-date and the amount of money breaking the bad habit is worth to you.


3. Stay accountable & Reclaim your money

Log your progress daily. Each successful day, you reclaim part of your money—fail, and the platform keeps a portion.

Success Stories 👑

We're proud be able to say that hundreds of people have gone before you and changed their lives by breaking a persistent bad habit. Now it's your turn.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Submit your question below.

How much does it cost to use this app? Is this a free app?

Yes, this is a totally free app! You only invest an amount of your choosing as an incentive to break your habit. If you stay on track, you'll earn all your money back. If you don’t, only the portion tied to failed days is kept by the platform to cover the costs of running the app while you stay motivated to succeed!

What kind of habits can I use this app for?

You can use this app to break any bad habit that matters to you. E.g. quitting smoking or stopping vaping. Or reducing your alcohol consumption. Or cutting back on your caffeine, carbs, sugar, or junk food. Or limiting your scrolling, social media usage or general screen time. Or you'd like to stop coming in late at work, stop yelling at your partner, stop procrastinating or stop skipping the gym. It's up to you. You can start as many habit breaking challenges as you want.

I’ve failed at breaking habits before - why would this time be different?

Unlike traditional apps, this one creates real stakes that make failure costly and success rewarding. Research shows that people are far more likely to stick to goals when money is on the line — this method actually works!

How much should I invest in breaking my habit?

It’s entirely up to you. However, we recommend starting with around 1/50th of your monthly income as a daily incentive. Example: If you earn $3,000 a month, you would invest $60 for every day of your challenge. So if you are trying to break a habit in 14 days, your total investment would be $840. And you are able to reclaim all $840 if you break you habit all 14 days. That said, you can invest more if you want an even stronger incentive. The higher the stakes, the higher your commitment. Research shows that people are more likely to break a habit when they have something meaningful on the line. So, want extra motivation? Increase the investment. Only invest what you can afford to lose though. The goal is motivation, not financial stress.

What if I forget to log my progress?

No worries! The app will send you daily reminders to log your progress, so you don’t forget. If you miss a day for, because e.g. you were in jail, you can submit a request to edit a previous day's result. You have to provide a plausible reason and some form of proof (e.g., a timestamped photo, workout log, or other supporting evidence), and the platform will honor your request. We understand that life happens — our goal is to keep you accountable, not to punish you for technicalities!